Merton Health Care Chief To Step Down

Eleanor Brown has worked in health care for 38 years

The Chief Officer of the organisation that commissions local health care in Merton is to step down in the summer.

Eleanor Brown has announced she will step down from her full-time position as Chief Officer for Merton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) after a career in health care spanning more than 38 years.

Eleanor was selected as the first Chief Officer of Merton CCG in May 2012. She led the successful authorisation of Merton CCG which became a statutory organisation in 2013.

A nurse and health visitor by background, Eleanor (left) decided early on that she would effect greater change in the way care is delivered to patients from a management position.

She said: "After 38 years of service in the NHS, starting as a student nurse at St Thomas' Hospital and working within primary care and community services in London, I have been part of many positive changes within health and social care, but the one thing that has remained constant is my commitment to ensuring the best possible patient care.

"I am looking forward to taking a break through the summer before considering some health and care-related assignments.

"I believe Merton CCG has achieved a great deal through the commitment, determination and hard work of local clinicians and the CCG team and I am sure they will continue to commission quality services for the people of Merton."

Dr Howard Freeman, Chair of Merton CCG said: "Eleanor's contribution to both the wider health service and to Merton CCG over almost 40 years has been exceptional.  We wish Eleanor every happiness for the future".

During her career, she has worked at many levels within the health service in London including:  Managing district nurses and health visitors, as Chief Executive of South Lambeth Primary Care Group (PCG), a director in two different PCTs, and as Chief Executive Officer of the Nelson Commissioning Group.  In addition, Eleanor has worked as a primary care development consultant in the UK and Russia and has contributed to publications and books.

The post of Chief Officer at Merton CCG will be advertised nationally in March with a view to having a managed hand-over period during the summer.

February 25, 2015