Local roadworks could now be coordinated
Merton has joined the Mayor of London's Roadworks Permit Scheme, meaning utility companies and other organisations have to apply for permission before digging up the borough's streets.
It comes into force on Monday (January 14), although local Tories argue it could have been introduced sooner as the London Permit Scheme was launched in January 2010.
Permitting enables TfL and the borough to plan and coordinate the timing of when roadworks take place, to give companies the opportunity to work on the same sections of road at the same time.
Merton Council cabinet member for environmental sustainability and regeneration Councillor Andrew Judge said: "Now we are in more control over when and how road works are carried out in Merton, road users will see fewer days of disruption and therefore less traffic congestion. This is good news, as we know congestion is a concern for many residents, and we are now in a better position to influence the impact of road works on traffic flow."
Councillor Debbie Shears, Leader of Merton Conservative Group, said: "The Mayor of London's pioneering permit scheme has proved successful elsewhere in London at tackling the disruption and frustration caused by poorly planned roadworks.
"It is only right that residents and businesses here in Merton should benefit from it too so I am pleased that the lengthy campaign by local Conservatives for the borough to sign up has at last been successful. Labour's continual dither and delay has meant two and a half years of unnecessary misery for Merton's road users."
Information on road works in Merton can be found at www.merton.gov.uk/roadworks.htm.
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January 14, 2013