We Love Our Libraries!

Survey results on our Merton libraries

Merton residents are happy with Merton Libraries' range of books, services and opening hours this year, according to the most recent Public Library User Survey (PLUS).

Responses from 2,701 library users to the annual survey show that 89% of customers rate Merton library services as good or very good, an increase of 8% from the previous survey.

Focussing on services for adults, the survey aimed to find out how users rate their local library. Results demonstrate that users highly value customer care at Merton libraries with 94% of library customers rating the standard of customer care they received as good or very good.

Library customers are also happier with the range and choice of books available to them with 77% rating the selection as good or very good, an 8% increase in satisfaction since the previous survey. 

As well as borrowing books, the results of the PLUS survey show that customers are using other services provided by Merton libraries including a range of health and employability support activities and workshops as well as learning support, with 64% of library visitors saying that Merton libraries have helped them with their studies.  

This was the first time that adult library users have been surveyed since the council increased the opening hours in 2011 which 91% of users rated as good or very good. This 9% increase since the previous survey reflects the enthusiasm for the increased overall opening hours. The results from the survey put Merton within the top six authorities for London in terms of customer satisfaction, which is an excellent achievement considering the low funding base of the service.

Cabinet member for community and culture, Councillor Nick Draper , said: "It's great to see that customers are really happy with the services provided to them free of charge. This comes down to the the hard work of our staff who are ably supported by an army of volunteers in meeting the needs of library users in the borough. Every library in Merton has remained open with increased overall opening hours and services and clearly this commitment has paid off with the increasing satisfaction from our library users."

To find out about the range of events and services provided by Merton Libraries, visit www.merton.gov.uk/libraries.  

April 19, 2013