Crowdfunding project now aims to raise £20,000
A Merton Park school has created what is believed to be the UK's first ever scooter park for young children which will be enjoyed both by pupils and the local community.
The new scooter park in Mostyn Gardens, next to Poplar Primary School, has more than 200 metres of pathways where children can let off steam, keep fit and learn to scoot safely.
It will be launched tomorrow morning (March 30) when 640 pupils will take part in a duathlon – scooting and running – aiming to raise £20,000 for the second phase of the initiative.
Jonathan and Alistair Brownlee - the Olympic Triathlon medalists - have associated themselves with the project and already pledged £1,000.
The link to the project's crowdfund-raising website is here:
If it reaches its target it will fund the following by May:
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March 29, 2017