Merton Offers Every Child A Primary School Place

Slight increase in those getting into their first choice

A primary school place has been offered to every parent in Merton with a child starting school in September.

Figures published by the Pan-London Admissions Scheme, which coordinates school places in the capital, show that 2,610 children from Merton applied for a primary school place.

Of these:

  • 80.8% of children were offered a place at their parents’ first choice of school, an increase from 80.4% last year
  • 90.9% of children got into one of their top three schools, up from 90.1% last year
  • 94.1% of children were offered a place at one of their parents’ preferred schools, an increase from 93.7% last year
  • Every child who applied was offered a primary school place

Merton Council’s Cabinet Member for Education Councillor Caroline Cooper-Marbiah said: “Starting primary school is a big day in every child’s life and we have been able to offer a primary school place to every child who applied. Almost all children will attend one of their parents’ preferred schools with many going to their first choice school.

“More than 4,000 new primary school places have been created in Merton since 2007 to meet unprecedented demand from parents who want their children to be educated in the borough.”

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April 28, 2017