Complete Merton's Annual Safety Survey

Chance to give your views

People who live and work in Merton are being asked to complete an annual survey about safety in the borough.

Safer Merton, the partnership which includes the council, Police, Fire Brigade, probation and health services, is carrying out the survey as part of its Strategic Assessment which looks at all community safety issues in the borough.

They are carrying out the survey to find out the community's concerns around crime, disorder, anti-social behaviour and drugs and alcohol.

The results of the survey are combined with an analysis of all the crimes that have happened in Merton in order to help Safer Merton set the partnership's priorities for 2012/13.

Current priorities which came out of last year's assessment are around alcohol, anti-social behaviour, acquisitive crime and domestic violence.

Merton Council cabinet member for community safety, engagement and equalities Councillor Edith Macauley said: "In light of the recent riots and civil unrest across the country, as well as changes in government legislation as to how community safety partnerships will work from 2012 onwards, this is an opportunity for people to directly inform the Mayor of London and Safer Merton about the issues they want their local police to focus on."

Borough Commander Chief Superintendent Dick WolfendenBorough Commander Chief Superintendent Dick Wolfenden (left) said: "Despite being one of the safest boroughs in London, we still need to listen to residents’ and visitors’ concerns about safety, to help us make sure we are putting resources into the right areas."

The survey is online at Paper forms will be available from the civic centre, at various events taking place around the borough, Merton Priory Homes and from local police support teams.

August 26, 2011