Fight Against Underage Shop Sales In Merton

Wimbledon retailers given special training

Several local shops have signed up to a "Responsibility Deal" aimed at clamping down on selling age-restricted items to underage people in Merton.

Businesses in the borough can now benefit from training courses and one-to-one advice provided by Merton Council's trading standards team on how to avoid selling restricted products to people under age. 

The first training course took place in March and was attended by three retailers: Sia Food and Wine and Euro-off licence, both from Wimbledon, and Supreme One. Training covered all age-restricted products and looked at who is responsible in the eyes of the law in the event of an illegal sale.

Training is now offered as a course to all relevant businesses.

Merton's trading standards and public health teams are working in partnership to reduce the number for adults buying age-restricted items on behalf of young people not old enough to buy the items themselves.

Cabinet member for environmental sustainability and regeneration, Councillor Andrew Judge said: Most retailers take their responsibilities very seriously and we are working in partnership with them so they comply with the law. The 'Do You Pass' training certainly gives our traders the knowledge and confidence that they need to prevent illegal sales, which the council and local businesses are committed to preventing."

Small businesses interested in attending future training courses should contact the trading standards team on 020 8545 4018 or email

May 20, 2013