Meet Merton's Seven Young Inspectors

They will analyse the borough's youth services

Seven young people have been chosen to form a new group tasked with ensuring youth services in Merton meet the needs of their peers. 

The young inspectors (right) were appointed after being interviewed by staff from Merton Council, Grenfell Housing association and Volunteer Centre Merton. They were also assessed in a group environment.

A three-day training programme commissioned by charity London Youth involved the young people looking at safeguarding, communication skills, health and safety and assessing quality of the service.

Each young inspector will carry out about five inspections throughout the year producing a written report summarising their findings.

Cabinet member for children's services, Councillor Maxi Martin said: "Well done to all our young people who were chosen to be young inspectors. It is important we involve them from an early age in reviewing services that are important to them. Being a young inspector also looks great on your CV or your UCAS/college application."

November 12, 2013