Council Calls For Key Worker Evictions To Be Halted

Plea to find alternative solution for tenants

Merton Council has called for evictions of residents living in police-owned homes in Raynes Park to be permanently called off.

Evictions from the properties in Raynesfield started in October, but were halted while plans were reviewed earlier this month.

The Mayor's Office for Police and Crime (MOPAC) has been selling off residential properties across London as part of their 2013-16 Estate Strategy.

A number of the residents facing eviction are key workers such as nurses and teaching assistants. Campaigners have called for the Mayor of London to think again about the plans.

Now councillors at Merton Council have backed a motion calling on Boris Johnson "to put a permanent stop to the evictions at Raynesfield" and for him "to work with tenants to find a solution which allows them to remain in their homes or to find them suitable alternative affordable accommodation in the neighbourhood."

November 21, 2014