Residents' views sought over Local Care Centre
Residents are being given the chance to offer their views on the future of Wimbledon's Nelson Hospital.
The NHS plans to establish a Local Care Centre (LCC) at the hospital in Kingston Road, as part of their "Better Healthcare Closer to Home" project.
Last year the project underwent a thorough review by the Sutton and Merton NHS Trust, but planning work for a LCC at Nelson Hospital has started again.
There will be a consultation about the hospital site before a planning application is submitted by the NHS within a couple of months.
The consultation process begins with two, separate, residents' meetings at the hospital between on Wednesday July 20. The first is at 4.30-6pm and the second from 6pm-7.30pm.
The agenda will include:
Merton Park Councillor John Sargeant said: "We would encourage as many as possible of you to attend to hear the proposals. This is an opportunity to ask questions and give comments."
July 18, 2011