Meeting Over Plans For Nelson Hospital

Residents' views sought over Local Care Centre

Residents are being given the chance to offer their views on the future of Wimbledon's Nelson Hospital.

The NHS plans to establish a Local Care Centre (LCC) at the hospital in Kingston Road, as part of their "Better Healthcare Closer to Home" project.

Last year the project underwent a thorough review by the Sutton and Merton NHS Trust, but planning work for a LCC at Nelson Hospital has started again.

There will be a consultation about the hospital site before a planning application is submitted by the NHS within a couple of months.

The consultation process begins with two, separate, residents' meetings at the hospital between on Wednesday July 20. The first is at 4.30-6pm and the second from 6pm-7.30pm.

The agenda will include:

  • Update on Better Healthcare Closer to Home, services to be provided at the Nelson and project timelines
  • Presentation of the plans
  • Questions and Answers.

Merton Park Councillor John Sargeant said: "We would encourage as many as possible of you to attend to hear the proposals. This is an opportunity to ask questions and give comments."


July 18, 2011