Aim to improve local urgent care services
Local NHS patients and carers are being invited to join a patient reference group where they can give their views and feedback on urgent care services.
Health chiefs say they want to ensure urgent care services are better co-ordinated around user needs, and that the patient is at the heart of healthcare decisions.
Co-ordinate My Care (CMC) is a clinical NHS service that supports patients in urgent care situations. Together with their clinicians, patients can record their preferences and wishes in an electronic personalised urgent care plan that also includes clinical information and relevant medical history.
This care plan can be viewed by all the healthcare professional teams involved in the patient’s care 24 hours a day, seven days a week and ensures that the patient is at the heart of their own healthcare.
The CMC patient reference group has been set up to ensure that the service takes account offeedback and consultation from patients. Members of the reference group are asked to
· comment on Coordinate My Care materials such as the website, patient leaflet, training materials
· discuss key issues related to Coordinate My Care such as advance care planning, urgent care plans, communication during times of crisis, end of life or palliative care preferences, electronic/digital care plans, difficult conversations, tone, language and messages
· represent the patient voice at key CMC or NHS meetings on availability and suitability of content
All members of the Group will have had some personal experience or interest in the idea of co-ordination of healthcare and the communication in times of urgent care.
Meetings are held quarterly and minutes circulated after each meeting. Travel or parking expenses will be reimbursed, but the time investment is something the service asks for based on people’s willingness to be involved.
What’s in the urgent care plan?
The urgent care plan contains clinical information about the patient’s diagnosis, allergies, medications and resuscitation status as well as their wishes and preferences on where they would prefer to be cared for and, if appropriate, where they would wish to die. It can also include any cultural and religious beliefs that are important to the patient. Patients who already have a CMC plan have stated that it provides a sense of reassurance and security.
Who can see the plan?
The care plan can be seen by all health and social care providers involved in CMC who have a legitimate relationship with the patient; doctors, nurses, social care providers and emergency services including the ambulance service, NHS 111 and the out of hours GP service. In the future, patients will also be able to view their own care plan online as a read-only version. Currently, they can receive a printed version from their GP.
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April 8, 2016