New Wimbledon Neighbourhood Planning Group is established
Wimbledon residents, businesses and employees are set to have more say over planning applications in the area after the establishment of a Wimbledon Neighbourhood Planning Group.
The new group, led by local artist Jonathan Parker, formalised its existence at an inaugural general meeting in Hillside Church, Wimbledon on January 25.
Its launch meeting was attended by more than 50 people, nearly all of whom are now members. It will shortly be applying to Merton Borough Council for recognition as a neighbourhood forum for the Wimbledon area.
The Wimbledon Neighbourhood Planning Group, is somewhat different from residents’ associations (who are welcome as members) as its plan will have statutory backing and will have to be taken into consideration for all planning applications in the area.
The inaugural meeting came the day after the latest draft of the council-backed Future Wimbledon supplementary planning document - formerly the masterplan - was launched.
During the meeting the group approved its constitution, and a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer were elected. It is now looking for new members whether residents, employees or businesses based in Wimbledon.
The key speaker at the launch, Tony Burton (from Neighbourhood Planners, London) highlighted the number of Neighbourhood Forums that have already been approved within the London Area and said it was about time there was one in Merton.
Other speakers included Suzanne Grocott (a Chartered Accountant and former councillor for Dundonald Ward) and Rob Cowan (a writer on urban design and member of Friends of Wimbledon Town Centre).
Vincent Harris, its newly elected chair, said: "The Inaugural Meeting has successfully raised the profile of the Group and has given it an excellent launch on the complex journey of putting together a Neighbourhood Development Plan for all who use Wimbledon". He can be contacted at
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February 11, 20120