Five officers will be targeting Wimbledon town centre
A dedicated police team aimed at preventing and reducing crime is now working in Wimbledon town centre.
A town centre Sergeant with four PCs specifically targeting reducing criminal activity in the busy area started work in August.
Previously the town has pulled police support in from the four wards that cover the town, but as Wimbledon is a town centre with a unique transport hub, the decision was made to give it a focussed team.
A statement from Love Wimbledon said: "With the relaunched town centre radio link and a web portal, we will be working with the police team, CCTV and the business community to reduce crime and potential criminal activity in the town centre.
"This is a strong partnership that has already demonstrated that by working together we are much more effective in continuing to keep Wimbledon as one of the safest town centres in London to be enjoyed by everyone."
Helen Clark Bell, Wimbledon's Business Improvement District manager, added: "This is major progress and provides a strong team and focus on managing crime. We are proud to have low crime rates and want to keep that trend in conjunction with a team dedicated solely to Wimbledon Town Centre."
September 3, 2015