First AGM For Local NHS Body

Chance to ask questions about local health servicee

NHS Merton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), the clinically-led organisation responsible for planning and buying local health services, is holding its first ever annual general meeting on Thursday September 25 between 12pm and 1pm.

The meeting is open to members of the public and will take place in Vestry Hall, Cricket Green, 336-338 London Road, Mitcham, CR4 3UD.

The health body will present their accounts and a summary of their achievements in 2013/14, which include:

  • building the Nelson Health Centre, which will open in Spring 2015 and provide a spacious, modern environment for people to be seen, diagnosed and treated closer to home, without the need to go to hospital;
  • launching the Community Prevention of Admission Team made up of nurses and therapists who provide a rapid assessment of patients and where possible organise care in their home resulting in 22% less admissions to hospital in the first six months; and
  • developing a project to enable more patients than ever (70%) to choose where they are cared for in their final days, with the vast majority supported out of hospital.

Members of the public will have the opportunity to ask questions to the CCG's Governing Body on the day or submit them in advance. To confirm attendance or submit questions, contact Tony Foote on 0208 251 0143 or

September 12, 2014