Dozens of Fixed Penalty Notices issued
Police have fined more than 40 cyclists who they caught breaking the law in a week-long operation in Wimbledon town centre.
Following concerns raised by local residents about irresponsible driving and cycling in the area, they also issued Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) to 19 motorists.
Teams from the Trinity and Hillside wards Safer Neighbourhoods Teams were joined by police colleagues from the South West Area Traffic Garage for the recent operation.
They issued 22 £30 FPNs to cyclists seen riding on the pavement, 18 £30 tickets to cyclists going through red traffic lights, and other fixed penalty tickets to cyclists contravening No Entry signs or seen riding the wrong way down a one-way street.
They also handed out £60 FPNs (with three endorsement points) to the drivers of six cars who drove through red traffic lights in front of the police team.
Another nine drivers received similar endorsable FPNs for using a mobile phone whilst driving and three drivers received FPNs for not wearing a seatbelt.
One driver stopped was also found to have no valid driving licence or insurance, and police seized the motorist's car and issued a £200 endorsable fixed penalty notice.
Sgt Erin Molyneux, who lead the operation, said: "Most law-abiding drivers support these operations and don’t mind being stopped. They know that by tackling the small number of offenders putting others at risk, we’re making our town centre a safer place for all."
October 16, 2010