Councillor Cleared Of Disrepute Charges

Hearing follows campaign poster incident

Councillor Peter Walker has been cleared of putting Merton Borough council into disrepute following his sacking as education leader earlier this year.

He has been cleared by the council's cross-party Standards Board after an incident in which he removed a poster promoting a campaign group opposed to the expansion of Dundonald School.

He was dismissed from his post as cabinet member for eduction after Council leader Stephen Alambritis described his actions as "wholly unacceptable".

He was then reported to the Standards Board by the Conservative opposition.

Councillor Walker (left) said he welcomed the decision by the board. He said: "I am delighted by the decision by Merton Council’s cross party Standards Board.  It vindicates my belief that removing these illegal party political fly posts from my local park was correct.”

"I look forward to seeing the expansion of Dundonald School as it is desperately needed for young children in the centre of Wimbledon."

August 10, 2012

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