Have Your Say On The Future Of Colliers Wood

How should Colly Wood be connected?

Residents and businesses are being offered a chance to have their say on proposed designs for public space in Colliers Wood town centre.

Called Connecting Colliers Wood, the consultation runs until Friday December 20.

To get involved in shaping how Colliers Wood town centre will look by Spring 2014, residents and businesses in the roads closest to where the proposed changes could be made, will receive an information leaflet and complete accompanying questionnaire through their door.

Both documents are also available in Colliers Wood library and online at: www.merton.gov.uk/connectingcollierswood.

The responses will provide Merton Council and Transport for London (TfL) important feedback from residents and people working in the area ahead of progressing any of the proposed improvements.

Proposals that the council and TfL are consulting on include making the Wandle Park more a part of Colliers Wood by removing formal boundaries and gateways, landscaping in front of Sainsbury's and possible road improvements to reduce congestion and incorporate cycling facilities and wider pavements.

The council will also be asking people about planting and street furniture as well as how a new plaza in front of the Brown and Root Tower could be developed into an attractive public space.

A residents' meeting on Thursday (November 21) heard that work to clad the tower will start after Christmas, with completion set for June 2015.

Merton Council cabinet member for environmental sustainability and regeneration Councillor Andrew Judge said: "This is a very exciting opportunity for residents and businesses to tell us what they would like for their town centre. With TfL and the Mayor of London, we are investing over £3 million in Colliers Wood and we really want the people who live and work there to benefit from the programme of improvement works we’ll be carrying out over the coming months."

November 22, 2013