Letter To The Editor: Reprieve For Raynesfield Tenants

Dear Editor

While residents at Raynesfield are relieved that, at the last minute, the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) called off the evictions, they are still faced with an agonising wait. All residents and their Housing Association have been told is that MOPAC is “currently reviewing the position regarding their residential portfolio in London”.

This means the tenants are in limbo once again – their sleepless nights of worry continue. Some people, to try and reduce their storage bills, gave furniture away. Others moved their belongings into storage on Tuesday and found that the eviction proceedings were halted that evening - so they have paid unnecessarily for van hire and storage and now have to get their furniture back to Raynesfield. People are paying to get their phone, water etc reconnected. 

There are clear financial implications requiring compensation and MOPAC needs to act straight away to correct these injustices. On top of this, how can the stress and sleepless nights endured by our neighbours in Raynesfield be measured? 

London needs more social housing - not less; the Mayor of London should never have considered removing these properties from the social housing stock. Let us hope that the Mayor decides that Raynesfield should remain permanently as affordable housing for our nurses and school staff.

Councillor Mary-Jane Jeanes
Liberal Democrat
West Barnes ward

November 3, 2014