A street party marks arrival of top cycling event
Thousands of fans packed into Wimbledon's town centre to celebrate Prudential RideLondon coming through Merton on Sunday (August 4).
Businesses, locals and supporters took to the streets, as Love Wimbledon arranged a street party in the centre of town with live music, bicycle themed entertainment and fun family activities.
Yesterday, Wimbledon saw 16,500 cyclists on their last leg of Ride London, a 100-mile race from The Olympic Park, through Surrey and back to The Mall.
Business Improvement District Love Wimbledon, wanted to maximise the excitement of the day in Wimbledon for the competing cyclists and the supporters.
Wimbledon Hill Road was dressed with multi-coloured bunting, flags and balloons, and visitors were entertained by a live steel band and a 'Bicycle Ballet' performance.
Facepainters, balloon twisters and a pop-corn cart were all kindly brought to the party by Elys Shopping, and Gina Conway Aveda Spa treated visitors to free massages and give-aways.
Wimbledon-based bike shops, Action Bikes and Evans Cycles also contributed towards the day, giving away free cycling goodies.
Helen Clark Bell, BID Manager, said: "Throughout the day we had a couple of thousand people sharing the excitement of the day in the heart of Wimbledon.
"Cyclists were welcomed with a burst of colour and sound when they rode through Wimbledon town centre and made their way back through Wimbledon Village. It was fantastic to work with local businesses and to play our part in the first annual Olympic legacy cycling event."
August 8, 2013