Elys Bucks The Retail Trend

Wimbledon firm reports sales growth again

With much talk about the death of the High Street, one local store is bucking the trend. Elys in Wimbledon town centre is reporting sales growth for seven years running.

Elys has invested in store design improvements and introduced new clothing brands, in line with local demand. Menswear sales increased by 23% and the fashion store saw a 5% growth, but the top areas were furniture and toys at over 50% and 30% respectively.

Last year's Olympic and Jubilee events meant the gift department performed well and in 2013 they will be selling a range of Wimbledon Tennis products during the event.

David James, Managing Director of Elys said: "Our 'One Day Spectacular' events have been record days and our popular fashion shows have contributed to this. We really believe in delivering what the Wimbledon market wants, keeping it fresh and exciting, and we will continue to invest in store improvement and flex our product ranges to suit that."

Helen Clark Bell at Love Wimbledon said: "Elys represents what Wimbledon is about, improving retail and enhancing the Wimbledon offer – it's a great success story demonstrating that Wimbledon is still just as vibrant and alive as ever".

March 8, 2013