Watch The Obama Inauguration In Wimbledon

William Morris House is the venue

Witness Live the Inauguration of the President of the United States – in Wimbledon

4.30pm -7.00pm, Monday January 21
William Morris House, 267 The Broadway, Wimbledon

William Morris House in Wimbledon is opening its doors to celebrate the Inauguration of the President of the United States, Barack Obama.

Following its successful commemoration of the Suffragette Movement with the actress Sheila Hancock in November 2012, William Morris House is continuing to organise public meetings which celebrate radical events for local people.

This builds on the legacy of William Morris, who was active in Wimbledon and Merton, both as an artist and political activist.

Councillor Peter Walker who is Chair of William Morris House said: "We held a similar event four years ago when Obama was first elected and we expect this event to be equally popular.  Obama's victory over the climate change deniers and Mitt Romney was important not just for the USA but for people around the world concerned about the environment."

"The event will start at 4.30pm on Monday January 21 and will be shown live so that we can witness this historic event."

There is no charge to attend and there will be refreshments and a cash bar. Due to limited spaces, tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first served basis. If you wish to attend please register at

January 11, 2013