Event to be held at William Morris House
The actress Sheila Hancock will speak in Wimbledon about the suffragettes to celebrate the centenary of women getting the vote.
The event is to be held at 7pm on Tuesday October 23 at William Morris House 267 The Broadway, Wimbledon SW19 1SD.
A short film on the suffragettes will be shown followed by a Q&A session with Sheila.
Jackie Schneider will also give an illustrated talk on the Wimbledon WSPU and their charismatic local leader Rose Lamartine Yates.
Free but admission only if you have registered beforehand on: rsvpwomen@wimbledonlabour.org.uk
Afterwards Sheila will formally open the Rose Lamartine Yates room at William Morris House. The room will have pictures and the story of Rose and the Wimbledon suffragettes. She is pictured below on Wimbledon Common.
October 12, 2018