Historic church setting for South Wimbledon beer festival
A rare and interesting opportunity to enjoy some real ale in the magnificent setting of St John's Church, South Wimbledon, is coming up on Friday February 5.
The church is situated by Nelson Gardens at the end of High Path near the A24, a short walk from South Wimbledon tube and many local buses (93, 57, 131, 200, 152, 163).
The festival runs from 5pm - 10pm and families are welcome (soft drinks available). No under 18s after 8pm please. One or two ciders will also be available. You are welcome to bring your own food, and a selection of bar snacks will be on sale.
Organisers are grateful to the nearby Trafalgar and the Sultan pubs for their support. Anyone wishing to sample further beers after the festival will be made welcome at both local pubs:
The Trafalgar, 23 High Path, SW19 2JY
The Sultan, 78 Norman Road, SW19 1BT.
Tickets available at £4 (including £2 refundable glass deposit) from Chris Stanley, Batty.cmjs@gmail.com.
All proceeds to the St John’s bells fund, HMRC Charities reference: X92825; part of Merton Priory PCC, registered charity no: 1134253.
January 26, 2016