Crowdfunding bid to enhance busy local area
A community-led crowdfunding campaign has raised enough funds to provide a Christmas tree for South Wimbledon.
Earlier this week, Merton Council installed Christmas street lighting at the Merton High Street junction.
It also agreed to provide a Christmas tree on the understanding it will cover the cost of installing the tree and the associated works, in addition to the electricity costs, if that was matched with a contribution from local residents and businesses.
The move follows a campaign from local residents who came together in January 2017 to discuss and agree a plan of action to tackle community-related issues in the area. The plan will eventually become the South Wimbledon Enhancement Plan.
One of the issues they identified was the lack of any Christmas lights in South Wimbledon. As part of the Enhancement Plan initiative, local residents approached Merton Council to ask if a Christmas tree and some Christmas street lighting could be installed in South Wimbledon.
A crowdfunding campaign set up this week quickly raised £200 to cover the cost of the Christmas tree and lights for South Wimbledon this year.
In future years, it is hoped to cover the cost of the tree through grant-funding, as part of the wider South Wimbledon Enhancement Plan activity.
The Christmas tree will be installed on the land immediately adjacent to the bus stop behind the Kilkenny Tavern on Merton High Street. Campaigners hope to have a formal 'switch on' ceremony to mark the first community Christmas tree for South Wimbledon.
This campaign, which can be seen on the following gofundme page, is led by Andrew Boyce, a South Wimbledon resident and facilitator of the South Wimbledon Enhancement Plan works. All money raised will be paid to Merton Council for the cost of the tree.
Any money raised above the £200 required to cover the cost of the tree and lights will be donated to a local charity nominated by the South Wimbledon Enhancement Plan residents’ group.
November 9, 2017