"Emergency" Phone Mast Set For Installation

Tall mast could be in place for six months

A 75-foot high mobile phone mast will soon be installed in an office block car park in a residential area in South Wimbledon.

The temporary Vodafone mast, which will reach 23.15m in height with the three antennas at the top, is to be installed in the car park of the Grenfall Housing Association in Milner Road.

The mast will be in place for six months, and Vodafone say it is needed as an "emergency" replacement because their agreement for a mast in Spur Road, Morden, has come to an end.

They say the temporary mast is needed to maintain coverage to the local area while they seek a permanent solution.

As it is an emergency application, Merton council has no power to refuse the mast, nor need to consult with residents. But it must be removed within six months.

Local residents unhappy about the scheme have started a debate on our forum. Why not add to the debate? Click here.

June 15, 2012