New play about life on the streets in Merton
A group of long-term unemployed young people have created the play 'CARE', which talks frankly and movingly about life out on the streets for young Merton residents.
The play, which had its premiere performance at the New Wimbledon Theatre studio on April 30, is currently touring venues around the borough and the reaction from audiences both young and old, has been so positive that further performances are already being planned.
As well as the performance itself, the Wimbledon Civic Theatre Trust (WCTT) project has also helped to improve participants' work and training opportunities.
Based on their engagement with the project, each candidate has been entered for a Silver Arts Award accreditation and a Certificate in Performing Arts. They have received coaching, mentoring and training opportunities, including CV writing and job interview skills provided through South Thames College and developed a personal career plan so they complete the project with much brighter prospects for the future. The project has been developed by WCTT working in partnership with South Thames College and London Borough of Merton.
Andy Alty, Creative Learning Manager at New Wimbledon Theatre, who developed the project on behalf of WCTT said: "We are delighted at the overwhelmingly positive public response to the play. The five performers have worked so hard over the last three months, using their own experience to create a powerful 30 minute drama which demands to be seen by anyone who is interested in the issues affecting local young people, particularly knife crime and gang membership.
"We would very much like this play to be seen by as many people across the borough as possible and we are indebted to WCTT for making this unique and exciting project possible."
If you would like to host a free performance of 'CARE', including an age-appropriate discussion session, contact Andy on his email address:
May 21, 2013