The Glenn Miller Story is coming soon
Music legend Tommy Steele will take to the stage in Wimbledon in a new version of the tale of the world's most famous big band leader – in The Glenn Miller Story.
Featuring a spectacular 16-piece orchestra plus sensational performers and dazzling choreography, the story of one of the most iconic musical figures of the 20th century will be told as never before.
For the past 15 or so years Bill Kenwright and Tommy Steele have had supper two or three times every year to talk about the past, the present and the future.
The “let’s find another show” conversations have been long and varied. And have possibly included adaptations of every screen musical ever written. It was when discussing a particular favourite of theirs; the James Stewart box office smash The Glenn Miller Story, that Bill discovered that his all-encompassing love for Elvis was equal only to Tommy’s adoration for Glenn Miller and his Orchestra. Bill learned that Tommy is a true devotee; travelling all over the world to hear what remains of the original Orchestral Sounds, and is steeped in the knowledge and the glory of what Glenn Miller did for popular music.
The thought of Tommy Steele and The Glenn Miller Story was a wonderful opportunity to create something special in the mind of a producer like Bill. However, as Tommy told him, there was an obvious problem - Tommy was too old to play Glenn!
It was three years later – at a dinner party celebrating Tommy’s award as the Most Popular Entertainer of All Time at the London Palladium – that they came up with what they believed to be the answer! What was it?
Come and see for yourself when The Glenn Miller Story is at Wimbledon from August 28-September 5, and click here to read Penny Flood's interview with the legend.
July 9, 2015