Meeting hears of Love Wimbledon's successes
Wimbledon town centre should have the feel of an 'urban space to have lunch and socialise', agreed local stakeholders attending a recent Love Wimbledon meeting.
BID Manager Helen Clark Bell provided the meeting with an analysis of Love Wimbledon's achievements in 2013 and the positive effect this work has had for business and residents.
There was dramatic increases of footfall and sales for Wimbledon businesses during events such as Wimbledon Winter Wonderland where (footfall rose by 44%), Big Screen Tennis on The Piazza and the Ride London Street Party.
Attendees were given the opportunity to input their ideas and requests for Wimbledon town centre. Hot topics included making Wimbledon greener, planting more trees; introducing clearer directions through the town centre, particularly to direct visitors to the tennis and better signage of Wimbledon car parks.
The audience supported Love Wimbledon's efforts to make the town centre cleaner and better looked after and asked that they continue and strengthen this work to reduce gum and litter. Cleaning up the frontage of Wimbledon Station was also considered a key lobbying objective for the forthcoming year.
Attendees were in support of creating an 'urban space to have lunch and socialise' in Wimbledon. Many also felt Wimbledon town centre needs to acknowledge its universal brand and use this to encourage inward investment.
Helen Clark Bell said: "It's part of Love Wimbledon's responsibility to understand the potential for Wimbledon and maintain its unique selling point'.
She added: "Love Wimbledon's plans for the town centre are innovative and exciting and we will continue to work with a variety of partners to improve our town centre".
February 21, 2014