Local Police Launch Anti-Vehicle Crime Drive

Year-long operation is underway in Merton

Police in Merton are launching a 'Drive Out Vehicle Crime Initiative' which will include a number of interventions throughout the next 12 months.

They warn they will be carrying out a number of operations against those involved in vehicle crime, including Automatic Number Plate Operations.

Inspector Jim Cook from Merton Police said: "Vehicle crime is the one of the highest crime types in the borough and a number of Safer Neighbourhoods Teams have had vehicle crime reduction chosen by their ward panels to work on.

"We will be looking to raise the public's awareness and offering advice on how they can help us reduce the incidence of vehicle crime.

"Over the coming weeks and months Merton Police will be carrying out a number of proactive operations against those involved in vehicle crime. Already the Safer Neighbourhoods Teams conduct a large number of Automatic Number Plate Operations and will continue these with both uniform and plain clothes patrols in areas where vehicle crime is most prevalent." 

Police have issued the following advice:

Ensure cars are locked – this might seem simple but a high percentage of cars are left unlocked in Merton.

Don’t leave anything on view – you may know your jacket is empty but an opportunist thief doesn’t.

Take your sat nav out of your vehicle and clean the suction mark off the windscreen – thieves will smash your window just to check the glove box.

For further information contact your local Safer Neighbourhoods Team on their direct numbers or via the Met Police central Non Emergency Contact Number 0300 123 1212 . 

April 12, 2011

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