Help Keep The Wandle Clean

Community clean-up on January 12

The Wandle Trust organises community clean-ups of the River Wandle on the second Sunday of every month, rotating between the boroughs of Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth.

The next clean-up is in Merton and it takes place on Sunday January 12 on the Wandle Meadow in North Road, SW19 1AQ.

It will start at 11am and it is likely to go on for four hours, with a break at about 1pm for tea, coffee and cake provided by the organisers. You might like to bring a picnic lunch.

The organisers also provide a number of pairs of safety chest waders for you to use as well as gloves and other pieces of equipment including litter pickers. Please wear old clothes and Wellingtons or walking type boots are recommended for those who want to work on the banks. They have 'recycled' a number of pairs of waders, which have been cut down to Wellington boots. If you'd like to wear these, remember to bring a pair of socks.

Colliers Wood tube station is a short walk, and the 156, 200 and 493 buses travel up and down Haydons Road.  Cyclists/walkers can find the meeting point upstream of Garfield Road, and downstream of Wandle Bank; there will be places to park in and around North Road itself. You'll see the gazebo pitched down the steps in Wandle Meadow.

January 5, 2014