Community clean-up on March 13
The Wandle Trust organises community clean-ups of the River Wandle on the second Sunday of every month, rotating between the boroughs of Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth.
The next clean-up is in Wimbledon and it takes place on Sunday March 13 in Plough Lane, when volunteers will be playing their part in helping keep the water in the Wandle some of the cleanest in London.
It starts at 11am and it is likely to go on for four hours, with the volunteers usually collecting at least two skips full of rubbish. There's a break for tea, coffee and cake, which will be provided at 1pm.
The meeting point is just inside the gates at the Plough Lane bridge end. If you are coming by public transport, the site is a 10-minute walk from Haydons Road station. It is also on the 493 bus route. Parking is in Waterside Way (the Wickes end) and if you are cycling along the Wandle trail, there are plenty of railings to which you can chain your bikes
Organisers supply a limited number of waders, plus protective gloves and First Aid facilities, but ask volunteers to bring their own wellies and wear old clothes. For further information about clean-ups, email or see
March 8, 2011