Become A Wandle Pollution Assessor

Help keep your local river clean

Are you fed up with seeing pollution in the River Wandle and wish you could do something about it? 

Then you could get involved with the Wandle Trust's new Pollution Assessment Volunteer Scheme.

It's a pilot scheme that is being run by the Wandle Trust in collaboration with the Environment Agency. Minor (category 3) incidents will be assessed by volunteers to determine the seriousness, source and type of pollution and ensure a fast, efficient and effective response from the EA. If successful it would be rolled out across London and maybe even beyond.

What would I need to do?

  • The Wandle Trust will provide training in pollution assessment and provide you with pollution assessment forms.
  • When they hear of an event in your local river stretch they would call and ask you to go down to the river and assess the pollution.
  • The assessment would then be fed back via the Wandle Trust to the EA and ensure their response is efficient and effective.

How will it help the river?

  • It will ensure pollution incidents are responded to quickly and more efficiently
  • Hotspots and long term trends will be identified and allow a targeting of pollution prevention schemes.
  • Ultimately it will mean a cleaner, healthier river for wildlife and people.

Contact Tim at to register your interest.

March 27, 2013

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The Wandle Trust