Paths to be upgraded with TfL cash
A successful bid for funding by four south London boroughs, the Wandle Valley Park Trust and transport charity Sustrans will mean major improvements are to be made over the coming year to the Wandle Trail.
Residents in Merton, Wandsworth, Sutton and Croydon will benefit from the £489,115 from Transport for London which is to be used to upgrade pedestrian and cycle paths along the Wandle Trail.
The improved paths will link up a series of green spaces that are part of the Wandle Valley Regional Park. Some of the funding will also be used to refurbish and complete the bridge on Bewley Street, Colliers Wood. Subject to planning approval, works are due to start in November this year, to be completed by spring 2014.
Merton Council cabinet member for environmental sustainability and regeneration Councillor Andrew Judge said: "We have worked consistently as a borough and through the Wandle Valley partnership to improve the quality of walking and cycling facilities along the Wandle and to complete the Bewley Bridge.
"It is very pleasing this joint application, which has also been championed by the Wandle Valley Park Trust, of which I am a trustee, has succeeded and that local residents will now be able to take greater advantage of this unique and beautiful pathway."
April 26, 2013