Residents back Wimbledon recycling centre
Campaigners protesting against the closure of Wimbledon's Recycling Centre on Weir Road have held a demonstration (right) outside the facility.
Conservative councillors have called on the Labour administration to re-think their proposals and 500 people signed an on-line petition against its closure.
Wimbledon residents recycle more than 1,000 tonnes of waste at Weir Road every year.
If Weir Road closes in April, residents will have to use Garth Road in Morden to recycle their waste. But campaigners say it will result in increased congestion and pollution from cars having to drive further and also fear an increased threat of fly-tipping.
Councillor Henry Nelless (left), the Conservative Environment Spokesman, said: "The residents I spoke to on Saturday were horrified to discover Labour are planning to close Weir Road Recycling Centre. All those extra journeys are going to be bad news for the environment.
"Labour should be looking to drive out efficiencies elsewhere in the council rather than penalising those residents who are trying to do the right thing by recycling their rubbish. They should rethink their plans and save Wimbledon’s Recycling Centre."
Councillor Andrew Judge, Cabinet member for environmental sustainability and regeneration, has already said that the council is having to make significant savings and Weir Road is more costly to run, per tonne, that Garth Road.
The final decision will be made when the Budget is set at the full council meeting on March 2, and the proposals will be subject to negotiation with Environmental Waste Control (EWC), who are contracted to run the Weir Road site.
What do you think about the plans? Why not comment on our forum?
February 21, 2011