Celebrate The Fruits Of Summer

Stop your harvest going to waste

Anyone with fruit to spare from their garden or harvested elsewhere is welcome to "Abundance Fruit Day" in Wimbledon on Saturday September 17.

The Abundance Wimbledon fruit project has already been busy picking more than 600 kilos of cherries, plums, damsons and apples.

Instead of going to waste, this fruit has been eaten, made into jam, chutney and crumble, and some has been used by the Wimbledon Guild in their kitchen or to distribute to older people, Faith in Action and the Shree Ghanapathy Temple (both providing food for the homeless), Home Start and the Asian Elderly project.

Abundance Fruit Day will take place from 11am-2pm on Saturday September 17 at St Mark's Church garden, behind Wimbledon library.

Organisers say everyone is welcome to come along - bring a bag of apples or pears to crush at the fruit press. 

There will be jams and chutneys, cakes, a fruit swap shop, a pie-making demonstration, as well as honey from Wimbledon Bee-Keepers, fruity cards, music from The International Ukelele Orchestra, and more.

For more details, contact abundancewimbledon@gmail.com or phone 0208-946-2514/946-3750.

August 30, 2011