Wimbledon is the venue for animation workshop
Families are being encouraged to take part in the world’s biggest drawing festival at an event in Merton Arts Space, Wimbledon.
Merton Council has signed up to host an animation workshop as part of the Big Draw Festival, organised by the educational charity, The Big Draw.
The workshop will be held by local artists Gwen Ramsay, Maggie Nightingale and Anna Nunhofer in Merton Arts Space in Wimbledon Library.
The event forms part of the London Libraries Festival – Worlds of Possibilities that runs from the 11 – 14 October 2017 where events will be taking place across the capital in public libraries. There will be further events announced soon.
The event takes place on October 14 between 11.30am-3pm and will be inspired by the theme of the week, Worlds of Possibilities.
Merton Council’s Cabinet Member for Community and Culture, Councillor Nick Draper said: “Anything is possible when you put pen, or paintbrush, to paper. This event aims to get every member of the family drawing and open up the world of art for everyone to express themselves and get creative.”
For more information, visit: www.merton.gov.uk/mertonartsspace or www.londonlibraries.net.
October 6, 2017