Plea For Wimbledon Blood Donors

Local sessions coming up - so give the gift of life!

Spring signifies the gift of new life with plants producing colourful blooms. With this in mind NHS Blood and Transplant is urging everyone to do something amazing and help give the gift of life to someone in need of blood.

Blood is a vital life line needed by many for a variety of life-saving procedures such as during or after childbirth or treating patients with blood disorders, like sickle cell anaemia and Thalassaemia, which require regular transfusions.

NHS Blood and Transplant always needs first time donors to replace those who are no longer able to donate, so that the right mix of blood is always available to meet patient needs. Blood donors in Wimbledon are also reminded to keep their appointments to ensure healthy blood stocks are maintained.

The next Wimbledon session is:

June 3

Sacred Heart Presbytery
Sacred Heart Church
Edge Hill
SW19 4LU 

Times: 1.15pm-4.30pm and 5.20pm-8pm.

Michelle Laserna, Senior Marketing Coordinator at NHSBT, said: “Blood stocks are currently good, but it is vital that new donors in Wimbeldon continue to register and make their first appointments to give blood to replace those who are unable to do so any more.

“O negative is rare, and is especially needed because it can be given to people of any blood group in an emergency. We are also particularly looking for new donors from black and Asian communities, as well as those who are A negative and B negative.

“It is also important that donors who are unable to keep their booked appointment please cancel them as soon as possible so we can reallocate the slot to someone else.”

To donate blood for the first time you need to be aged between 17 and 66. To register and to book an appointment call the Donor Line on 0300 123 23 23 or visit

It is also easy to book through mobile apps for Windows, Android and Apple devices. To download the app, search 'NHSGiveBlood' in the app store.

May 5, 2016