Boundary Change Comments To Be Unveiled

Further chance to give views on proposals

Comments made about controversial boundary change propsosals for the Wimbledon constituency will be published on Tuesday March 6.

The Boundary Commission proposals would put much of the rest of the existing Wimbledon constituency into a new seat, also covering New Malden.

But a number of local campaigners have been opposed to plans to move Abbey and Trinity wards, which cover much of Wimbledon town centre, into the new Mitcham seat.

Last year they set up a website and called on people to send their views to the Boundary Commission before their deadline for comments on December 5, 2011.

Now the Boundary Commission has said it will publish all the representations at noon on March 6 and there will be a further chance to comment.

  • The Boundary Commission for England reviews Parliamentary constituency boundaries every five years.
  • In this review they were taking account of new rules that every constituency in England (except two covering the Isle of Wight) must have an electorate of between 72,810 and 80,473 - that is 5% either side of the electoral quota of 76,641. The new constituencies are likely to be the ones used for the next election which is currently expected to be in 2015.

What do you think? Why not add to the boundary thread on our forum?

February 29, 2012