Be part of the pick by joining the Great British Spring Clean
You could join the Wombles in keeping Wimbledon Common tidy with an official spring litter pick being organised as part of Keep Britain Tidy's "Great British Spring Clean" 2019 campaign.
The Weekly Shop is hosting the two-and-a-half hour litter pick around the Common on April 6, with a meeting point outside the Wimbledon Windmill museum at 11am.
Organiser Diana Szpotowicz, Weekly Shop founder, said: “In the spirit of 'plastic free,' rather than buying a large box of new plastic bags, please bring 1-2 plastic bags (the larger the better) to fill up during your litter pick. A limited amount of picking sticks will be available, so if you have one, please bring it.
“Please wear sturdy walking shoes and appropriate clothing dependant on the weather. It's difficult to litter pick with an umbrella so waterproof clothing is best in case of rain, or else a hat and sunscreen in case of sunshine.”
Please meet outside the Windmill at 11 am for the health and safety and debrief. Parking is available outside the museum (SW19 5NR), and there are bike racks available. A number of buses stop outside the Common, please check the TFL or Citymapper websites for details.
Email if you have any questions.
March 20, 2019