Funds needed to repair popular route across Commons
An appeal to raise funds to restore the main route through Wimbledon Common – the Inner Windmill Road – has reached nearly half its £55,000 target.
It costs £45 per metre to rebuild the heavily used path, according to the Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators, which has set up the fund-raising drive.
It said in a statement: “Looking after pathways and access routes is a vital part of the work of the Board and it is a major task to keep everything in good repair.
“The Inner Windmill Road is the main route through the Common for all our visitors - walkers, joggers, cyclists, wheelchair users and those with pushchairs - and this continued heavy use means it now urgently requires restoration.
“In order to carry out restoration of this track, the Charity needs to raise in the region of £55,000 and we are appealing to people who use and love the Commons, to help us fund this major project. Each metre costs £45 to rebuild and with your help we can make a real difference to the accessibility of the Commons.”
More details about how to donate to the Access For All Appeal, which has now reached more than £24,000 is on their website: Access For All.
August 16, 2017