Nutcracker Trail In Wimbledon

Chance to win tickets to see Dick Whittington

There’s a free Nutcracker trail in Wimbledon town centre tomorrow (Saturday December 10).

Ten giant Nutcracker Kings will be hiding around Wimbledon Town Centre waiting to be found.

Find them all and be in with a chance of winning tickets to New Wimbledon Theatre’s Christmas Panto ‘Dick Whittington’

To join the trail, download and print off the wimbledon-nutcracker-trail-2016 map brochure or collect one from the Love Wimbledon team around town during the event or from the information Desk in Centre Court Shopping (upper mall).

The Love Wimbledon Christmas market is on The Piazza from 11am-6pm on Saturday and Sunday (December 10 and 11).

December 9, 2016