Merton Park Footpath Closure Plans

Public meeting to discuss the proposal

The consultation period for views on the closure of a Merton Park public footpath during the day in school term time has been extended to Monday December 13.

The path runs from John Innes Recreational Ground towards Mostyn Road, providing a direct pedestrian route between John Innes Recreational Ground and John Innes Park.

But it crosses the Rutlish School site and is said to create potential problems for the school in delivering its responsibility to safeguard students and staff.

Merton Council is consulting on whether the school should be able to gate this footpath and that the gates remain closed to the public during school hours (8.30am-3pm). They would only be closed during school term time and remain open at other times of the year.

A consultation meeting to discuss the potential closure attracted around 150 people at the school on Monday (November 22), with many speaking against the proposal.


November 24, 2010