Open day at town centre police station
An open day at Wimbledon Police Station will allow you to visit the police cells as well as enjoy a display of vintage engines and police artefacts.
Officers from specialist units, including mounted police and their horses as well as the Territorial Support Group and Counter-Terrorism branches, will be joining local police at the event.
It takes place from 12 noon-4pm on Sunday April 10, at the station in Queens Road. Last admission is 3.30pm and it's free of charge.
Town centre police are also about to put a "MetBox" in place in Wimbledon Library. Members of the public can use the box to make suggestions to police, provide them with information or highlight any concerns.
They also have have 1,000 free bicycle security kits, which are being offered free to residents.
Each kit contains:
1 x Security marked yellow Cycle seat cover
1 x Two in one permanent UV/Ink marker pen - The UV pen is used to write on the security mark stickers
1 x PM Bike safety card
1 x Immobilise leaflet
Security mark stickers - The security mark stickers need to have the owner of the cycles postcode and door number written in the UV pen and then it is to be wrapped around the frame or the seat post.
If you would like a kit please the Hillside ward Safer Neighbourhood Team. You can email them at or ring 0208-721-2458.
February 3, 2011