Public Meeting On Wimbledon Police Station Future

Borough's political leaders urged to agree cross-party options for Queens Road facility

A public meeting is being held to discuss the best way forward for Wimbledon Police Station after closure plans were declared unlawful after a legal challenge.

Lawyers acting on behalf of Lib Dem Councillor Paul Kohler had argued in the High Court that the Mayor of London's public consultation and consequent decision to close Wimbledon and 36 other stations across the capital were legally flawed and unlawful.

Following the July verdict, which quashed the Wimbledon plan, but not the other closures, a meeting is being held at 8pm on Wednesday September 26 at St Andrew's Church, Herbert Road, SW19 3SH to update residents on the current position and to determine how best to move forward.

It has been organised by the Lib Dems, with the leaders of all the borough’s political parties invited to give a 10-minute presentation.

Paul KohlerCouncillor Kohler (left) said in his letter to Stephen Alambritis, Oonagh Moulton, Peter Southgate and Pippa Maslin: “The aim of the meeting is to discuss how we as a community can come together and work collectively to guarantee the long-term presence of a police station within Wimbledon.

“Although the Lib Dems are organising the meeting, it will not be a party political event, but a place where we can put our differences to one side to address an issue that should unite us.

“Rather than develop one single proposal, I think it would be more sensible for the meeting to come up with a range of options to put to the Mayor, as any solution will necessarily be dependent on working with MOPAC, which will require us to take a flexible approach on the best way forward.

“I realise there is the potential for the evening to descend into partisan squabbling, but as we all know from doorstep conversations, our residents are tired of petty party politicking and are looking for us to come up with solutions, not accusations.

“Thus, rather than blame one side for the cuts, or the other for their unimaginative response to the funding crisis, I think we should focus on how we, within the constraints facing us, can best preserve a police presence in the heart of our community.”

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August 30, 2018

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Wimbledon police station

Wimbledon Police Station