Wimbledon Pupil Designs Tour Of Britain Start Flag

Min Joon's design sets off the professional cycle race

Wimbledon pupil Min Joon Park rubbed shoulders with professional cyclists after he won a competition to design a Tour of Britain start-line flag.

Keen cyclist Min Joon, aged 11, designed a colourful flag which showed cyclists whizzing past London landmarks including the Gherkin, the Houses of Parliament and the London Eye.

The design was used as the official start flag of the final stage of the Tour of Britain. Min Joon, who was at Wimbledon Chase Primary School and now studies at Rutlish High School, went to the event on September 11 with his family.

Pupils at the top five performing STARS (Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe) schools were invited by Transport for London to take part in a competition to represent how the changing face of London’s roads is making it easier and more enjoyable for families, friends and local communities to cycle.

STARS is an accreditation scheme for schools, nurseries and colleges to inspire young Londoners to travel sustainably, actively, responsibly and safely.

Wimbledon Chase was one of three London schools to be asked to take part based on its impressive cycling credentials. In 2014, they won a silver award, and in 2015 they won a bronze award from Sustrans after encouraging children to cycle or walk to school.

The Tour of Britain is British Cycling’s premier road cycling event and the country’s largest annual free-to-spectate sporting event, giving cycling fans the chance to see the world’s best riders racing on their doorstep every September. The final stage took place in London on Sunday 11 September where riders followed a 100km route around central London.

Wimbledon Chase headteacher Sue Tomes said: “I feel very proud to think one of our children won the competition. We told the children in assembly to watch out for it on television and I think they were quite excited about it.”

Min Joon said: “My design was inspired by me cycling to school. I love going cycling and go around Wimbledon Common. It is very refreshing and takes my stress away. I go to school by bike as it is easy and healthy for my body. I do not care if it is rainy or sunny. I go cycling by myself so I get my quiet time.”

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September 21, 2016

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Min Joon with pro cyclist Jasper Bovenhuis and his winning design