Going Gets Turf For Initiative To Help Local Causes

Wimbledon scouts set to gain from pledges

Local causes, including the 8th Wimbledon Scout Group, are set to be the winners with Travis Perkins' 'On Home Turf' initiative that pledges to help people close to their branches.

The new local timber and builders merchant on Weir Road will donate up to £1,000 to three good causes on its home turf - with the organisations in Wimbledon that benefit chosen by tradesmen themselves.

The 'turf' decision facing customers at Travis Perkins’ Wimbledon branch is where they want to give their support - as they will be given a token on each visit that can be placed to give backing to a chosen organisation.

Each token is worth £1 and the total number collected by each charity after four weeks will be turned into money or materials for vital improvement works.

The three causes selected are: Workshop 305, 8th Wimbledon Scout Group and the Friends of South Park Gardens.

Travis Perkins Branch Manager, Stuart Hayler commented: "We're committed to helping make a difference on our home turf. The three causes chosen are important to the people who work in branch and many of the tradesmen that work in Wimbledon. We just need their help to decide exactly where the money goes."

July 9, 2015

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Travis Perkins Assistant Branch Manager, Tony Potts with Rohan Wautelet, Hector Briggs,Tobias Alexis and Jean Flanagan from 8th Wimbledon Scouts