Meet The Police In Wimbledon Village

Warning about vehicle thefts in Hillside ward

The Wimbledon Village police team is holding the following drop-in surgery in April:

Wednesday 13th April: 12pm - 1:30 - Rose & Crown Pub, 55 High St.

Meanwhile in the neighbouring Hillside ward, police are warning there have been three recent vehicle thefts - two motor bikes, and one Land Rover.

They warned in a statement: "Please remember when leaving your motor bikes and pedal cycles outside your property for any length of time you must chain your bikes up, or thieves will just come and pick your bikes up and put them in the back of a van and drive off.

"Please remember to leave your car and bike keys away from your front door and out of sight or thieves will steal the keys through the letter box by using fishing rods or extendable poles."

March 18, 2016