WHSmith Will Soon Be Leaving Wimbledon Town Centre

Landmark store opposite the station is to close

The WHSmith store in Wimbledon town centre is to close in January, according to a sign on its window (right).

It is understood that the neighbouring Waterstone's bookstore, which was due to close in August but is still open, will also shut after Christmas.

It is also thought the Cargo homestore, which sits in the same row on Wimbledon Bridge, will soon be closing down.

Metro Bank has long been looking for a significant site close to Wimbledon Station, and it is possible they are moving into the vacant premises.

The WHSmith annoucement comes not long after the Love Wimbledon Business Improvement District boasted that the town centre has one of the lowest store vacancy rates in the country.

Shoppers at WHSmith are warned that the nearest store from January 13 will be the Tandem Centre in Colliers Wood.

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December 19, 2015