Leo's Uplifting Image Wins Photography Prize

Competition aimed at challenging the stigma around mental health

A Wimbledon pupil was among the winners of a photography competition – entitled #upliftingimage - timed to coincide with World Mental Health Day and support the national Time to Change campaign.

The competition was open to local primary schools, staff at the South West London & St George's Mental Health NHS Trust and local people living and working in the area.

The Trust invited them to submit an image of something that they find uplifting, to help challenge the stigma around mental health.

The winners, including Leo McLeod, from Holy Trinity C of E in Effra Road, Wimbledon, were invited to an event in which winning images were unveiled, and prizes were presented to the winners by Trust chairman Peter Molyneux and local MPs, Justine Greening and Stephen Hammond.

The winners of the competition were:

Sacred Heart Primary School - Roehampton

Corner House School (CAMHS) SB Classroom 1 - Tooting

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School - Wimbledon

Public category winner - Anne Ross, Sutton resident

Staff category winner - Debbie Cleaveley, Recovery College Trainer.

The competition photographs will be used to promote better understanding of mental health and highlight that through support and positive messages, we can help people and challenge stigma; and demonstrate that everyone has an uplifting image that can lift their mood.

Prizes were arranged through donations by Bellway Homes Limited, Waterstones in Wandsworth and Winkworth Estate Agents in Tooting.

October 29, 2015

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Wimbledon competition winner Leo McLeod, with his teacher Charmaine Brown as well as Wimbledon MP Stephen Hammond (centre) and Trust chairman Peter Molyneux