Celebrate World Mental Health Month

Events across South West London

South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust (SWLSTG) is leading on celebrations for World Mental Health Month on Saturday October 10 with a host of activities throughout the month of October.

This year's World Mental Health Day theme is dignity, and through our programme of events our aim is to challenge stigma and discrimination and raise awareness of mental health issues.

For up-to-date information on open days and other events - please see this timetable.

There are more than 40 events across our sites in south west London, including:

  • celebrating Black History Month with poetry, music and storytelling in our Springfield University Hospital and Tolworth Hospital canteens
  • A World Mental Health Day Balloon Release event on 9 October at Springfield University Hospital with workshops in mindfulness and journaling
  • A World Mental Health Day event at the Kingston Quaker Centre on 9 October in conjunction with Kingston Mind
  • Open days at Springfield University Hospital and Kingston All Saints Church on 10 October
  • Sutton Uplift Mental Health event on 13 October at Sutton Asda with interactive activities around the five ways to wellbeing
  • Pop Up Libraries
  • The Heart of Mindfulness Conference
  • Recovery College courses for staff and patients, their carers and families
  • Free staff welfare therapies and mindfulness drop in sessions
  • Plant and cake sales
  • Annual Heal Our Broken Village Conference on 28 October
  • Information stalls at Clapham Junction station with Trust staff talking about mental health

A digital photography competition - #upliftingimage – has also been launched, where local primary schools, staff and members of the public can send in an image that makes them smile or uplifts their mood.

Closing date for entries is October 10.More details are available here: What makes you smile.

David Bradley, Chief Executive at South West London and St. George's Mental Health NHS Trust, said: "We are proud to be celebrating World Mental Health Day with our series of events throughout October.  We know that one in four of us will be affected by mental illness at some point in our life and that 9 out of 10 people say that their problems are made worse by experiencing stigma and discrimination.

"We are opening our Trust and services so that the local community can come along, meet us and find out what we do and how we help the local community.

"Come and join us on our open days and celebrate Mental Health Month this October."

September 30, 2015